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Chinese translation for "medal ceremony"


Related Translations:
renewal of love ceremonies:  结婚周年典礼
commemorative medal:  纪念章
alvert medal:  阿伯特章
compton medal:  康普顿奖章
eckersberg medal:  埃克斯贝尔奖章
bronze medal:  铜牌〔通常奖给比赛优胜的第三名〕。
air medal:  空军奖章
frost medal:  克里莱曾获弗罗斯特奖章
august medal:  八月例赛
spingarn medal:  史宾岗奖
Example Sentences:
1.For the 2007 event , the medal ceremony will be held on the evening of 13th august 2007
2007年测试赛期间, 8月14日晚举办颁奖典礼。
2.National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies , and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used
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